Thursday Update: January 26, 2023

St. Matthew’s Elementary School’s
Thursday Update
JANUARY 26, 2023 

Dear St. Matthew’s Elementary School Families,

We are soon the cusp of the month of February and will focus, as a school, on the virtue of reverence.  We will be talking about what reverence looks like and sounds likes and will encourage our students to show examples of this throughout their day.  This is the second pillar of our core values here at St. Matthew’s – the 3 Rs:  Respect, Reverence and Responsibility! 

Sincerely in Christ,

Ms. Welsh


Blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs!.

(Psalm 146)

Dates of Note


Monday, January 30, 2023:  PIZZA LUNCH (for those who ordered) 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023:  HOT LUNCH (for those who ordered) 

Thursday, February 2, 2023:  CLASS PHOTOS

Friday, February 3, 2023:  SCHOOL ASSEMBLY (GRADE 5) 9:00 AM – ALL ARE WELCOME



Yesterday was Mrs. Dignan’s last day with the Grade 1 class.  Mrs. Dignan is now awaiting the birth of her second child in February.  Let us pray that all goes well for the Dignan family as they soon receive their second blessing!

Mrs. Tokar will continue to teach the Grade 1 class in the interim and then Mrs. Michelle Burr will join the Grade 1s as a co-teacher with Mrs. Tokar in late February.


Dear Parents,

We are communicating to you in advance about an increase in tuition fees for the 2023-2024 school year.  Four years ago, based on an analysis of school budgets across districts, the CISVA mandated that all Catholic elementary schools were required to raise tuition fees by a minimum of $17 for the next four years.  The $17 was based on estimated cost increases across CISVA.

The coming 2023-2024 school year will bring the final required annual increase and after an in-depth analysis of our operating budget, it has been decided that our increase will be an average of $19 per child.


2020-2021    +$17 (completed)
2021-2022    +$17 (completed)
2022-2023    +$18.37 (completed)
2023-2024    +$19

Specifically, the increase breaks down as follows:

Category 1:   1 child       $362
2 children $587
3 children $760

Category 2:   1 child        $412
2 children $637
3 children  $810

Category 3:   1 child        $622
2 children   $847
3 children   $1020

As you are well aware, we are living through difficult economic times with steadily increasing interest rates and inflation that is currently running at 6.3%.  We believe the $19, which represents a 5% increase, along with cost savings we have identified in recent months are necessary measures which will allow the school to maintain a solid and healthy financial position next year.

We understand this increase is significant and so have chosen to give you this information early so that families have time to make the necessary adjustments.

This tuition increase will be discussed in more detail at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2023.  In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

St. Matthew’s Elementary PEC


A friendly reminder that all St. Matthew’s Elementary School  families are required to complete FOUR mandatory supervision shifts over the course of the school year.

As of tomorrow, Friday, January 27, 2023, families will be able to sign up for the  Spring/Summer term

Please note that even if you do traffic supervision as your regular PPP task, your family is still required to complete these shifts (2 in the Fall/Winter and 2 in the Spring/Summer)

Please sign up for one morning shift and one afternoon shift for the Spring/Summer term.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our PPP coordinator, Tania Di Liello at:

You can access the OnVolunteer site by going to: or by clicking on the image above.


On Sunday, February 12, 2023 SMES will be hosting the morning Masses at St. Matthew’s Church. To engage the Parish and School Communities in a little extra enjoyment following Mass, we are holding a Krispy Kreme Donut sale on that same

Here is what you need to know so you do not miss out on this deliciousness:

By placing your order now, you are guaranteed your donuts! Fill out the order form that went home with your child today.  Can’t find the form?  Please click HERE to access a copy.

We will have a small stack of extra boxes to sell on a first come first serve basis right at the church on February 12th (please bring cash if you choose to go this daring route).

If you attend morning Mass, you can pick up your order directly after.

If you do not attend morning mass, donut orders will be available for pick up at the Parish between 9 am and 1 pm on Sunday, February 12, 2023.

Between $5 and $7 per box will go towards our school fundraising efforts, with a
particular focus on upgrades for the school.

Deadline to place an order:  Friday, February 3, 2023.  Thank you!