Volunteer Application

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Volunteer Application

In addition to Parents of registered Students at St. Matthew’s Elementary School, there is a need for additional volunteers who are people that freely undertake to perform a specific service that is not normally performed by employees and does so without financial remuneration. These volunteers are needed for their expertise at various times during the school year and most definitely during a crisis situation or disaster. Applications for prior approval are invited now.

During an emergency situation or response, this school places volunteers into three categories and will assign them to duties, as follows:

  1. Those volunteers with special expertise, who have prior approval with an issued Emergency Identification Card in a plastic folder / lanyard, and may be allowed inside the sealed off (secured) school grounds or school building. They may be used for their expertise, act as runners, and other duties when accompanied or supervised by a Staff member.
  2. Parents of registered Students will continue to be volunteers ONLY outside the school secured area unless they have special expertise for which they have prior approval and have been issued an Emergency Identification Card.
  3. All other volunteers that do not have any prior approval will be used ONLY outside the School secured area with no contact with Students. Traffic Control, Runner, etc.

Approved Volunteers will be issued the same Emergency Identification Card as a Student. Some volunteer expertise that may be very helpful are as follows:

  • Amateur Radio
  • First-Aid
  • Clerical Services
  • Computer Services
  • Structural Engineer
  • Search & Rescue
  • Traffic Control
  • Language Interpreter
  • Medical Services
  • Food Services
  • Managerial Services
  • Counselling Services
  • Long Term Care
  • Electrician
  • Carpenter
  • Gas Fitter
  • Plumber
  • Palliative Care
  • Fireman

During an emergency at the school, anyone outside the School secured area without prior approval wishing to volunteer, should be sent to the Volunteer Registration and Assignment Centre outside the gate, East of the EOC Container. The Logistics Section Head will get them registered and assigned. The Logistics Section Head will:

  • Receive a Volunteer Registration form collecting personal information if applicant is not on our approved list
  • Identify what expertise the potential volunteer can provide
  • Identify what resources they can provide: food, water, blankets, or equipment
  • Check with other Section Heads to see what their requirements fit the volunteer
  • Have the Section Head brief the volunteer before assigning them duties as required (Only outside the School secured area) with no contact with Students, and maintain records of all volunteers, assignments, time in and time out

Briefing of Volunteers will include the following:

  • Who their supervisor is
  • What they will be doing (should match their skills, knowledge, expertise)
  • How long they will be needed, shift length and rest breaks
  • Where the sanitation facilities are located
  • Provide them with safety information and location of hazards
  • Provide them with identification tag, safety vest or equipment